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Vaxholms Kanotsällskap

Check out our recommended tours for a couple of hour´s, a day our longer.

This tour is for families who want to combine beachlife and canoeing. Paddle to Tenö, a beach just two kilometers from our center.
Little Vaxholm Tour
Experience the most of the Vaxholm surroundings, the traditional archipelago with all its fascinating original buildings and summerlife. There is several different routes, to experience the nature reserve, the inner islands and the tradiotional fisherman cottages. The tour takes 2 to 4 hours.
The Vaxholm Tour
This is a full day tour, where you paddle a little bit longer.You can bring your own lunch and stop on one of the islands, or stop at one of the restaurants along the tour, for instance on Getfoten.
The Large Vaxholm Tour
With this 24 hour tour, you will experience everything the other tours offers, as well as the great exeprience of staying overnight at an archipelago island. We offer tents and camping gear.

You can hire a guide to take you on a tour, check availability with our staff.

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